... reject twitter. return to neocities and web revival!

about me

howdy howdy howdy , i am moonie , and welcome to my very autistic webpage :-), make yourself comfortable and get used to seeing the color blue/periwinkle a lot around here !

i am a disabled adult, pastel-loving metalhead/punk, and an aspiring educational cartoonist. i like many things, including vintage cartoons, psychology, vhs + dvd collecting, music, reading, and Much more! and this website is where those passions come together.

i use neocities as an act of rebellion. i dislike modern social media from an ethical standpoint, and the community and type of people its drawn in. that's why i prefer to host my art, projects, and personal endeavours here.

if you would like to learn more about me, you can pretty much click through any of the items to your left in the Navigation. that's because, in truth, you can find a bit of information about me pretty much everywhere here, since this site is for my self-expression and art. it's like if my heart was a website, basically! (so you'd best be careful unless you can do open heart surgery! /j)